
28 Mar 2005
Ok so finishing my Business Studies coursework before i go on holiday on sunda (woooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo)

so the idea of it was to come up with some buesiness ideas to help a local shop or buesinss improve sales etc.

done all that come up with ideas for a hotel. introducing a online booking system etc. but now i have to evalute my ideas.

what should i include in my evaluation??

any help would be great
Cost implications, effects on profit, viability, long term differences, extra training requirements.

Come on you know!

so i spent the day polishing up the coursework. but now need to polish the evaluation. it really seems pants but i cant think of anything else to write. it seems i have said it all earlyer on in the coursework :(
Stinky said:
so i spent the day polishing up the coursework. but now need to polish the evaluation. it really seems pants but i cant think of anything else to write. it seems i have said it all earlyer on in the coursework :(
Doesn't matter just re-iterate it..
It will depend what subjects you have talked about in your coursework.

For example, my pupils have had to put in Planning Permission; part of their evaluation will be to decide whether they would need to extend the business in the future.

The main thing to include is - do you think your business will be a success, how have you judged it to be a success? Where do you see your business in five years? Would you actually set up this business?
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