Eve Online Help Please

4 Nov 2003
Belfast, Northern Ireland
I've just been reccomended to download and install eve online which I have just done. But I am having trouble setting up an account. I don't want to pay for the service, is there no way of just using a trial. I see a trial mentioned but I believe there is some nonesense about a scratchcard :confused:

Any help is much appreciated.


Yeah I've just tried it and get the same error. Probably something wrong with the web page. Hopefully they fix it soon
Would you be able to create an account if I sent you a serial key through the buddy program or would you still have the same issue?
you should be able to use the buddy program to sent a 14 day trail cd key.

And btw Eve Online is by far one of the best fast growing MMORPG out there atm. If u need any help ingame add Jongo Fett to your buddy list
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