EVE Online player - I need a new game..

26 Dec 2013
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After playing EVE on and off since 2006, I have become tired and bored of it. Can anybody recommend me some games that might keep me interested?

I have had a look at Elite Dangerous, it seems to get good ratings, but there seems to be a lot of people saying it's just 60 minutes of flying around to get 4 minutes of excitement.
Ha, Eve used to be good, but over the last few years it's hard to have fun, unless you do it in a big group, and i'm not into that kind of thing.
The only thing about Excel, it doesn't have a ship spin counter :D

Just been looking through the screenshot gallery, there's some nice looking games out. Just need to find something I can casually play when I get some spare time, to try and escape from reality.
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