Ever been in a relationship with someone with the same surname?

27 Jan 2005
Nr. Norwich, Norfolk
Hey everyone,

Right, this one might seem a bit strange, but I'm curious.

Once I had a girlfriend who had the same surname as me, for about 4 months or so. It didn't seem too strange at the time, but of course you get the usual 'you should get married and have a double-barrelled surname' jokes. Ha ha.

Now as far as we know, we're not related in any way (looking at the immediate past), and the surname, 'Cooper', is very common - at least 5 in my school of 800 have it (Edit: None of whom are related).

Now it got me thinking, are we really any more likely to be related to each other than to somone with another surname? Could it just be that when surnames first came into use, it was a popular choice?

Your thoughts and experiences please. :)
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My surname is Benson. Im yet to find a Hedges.

But no, I have never had anyone with the same surname yet, but I can imagine it would be quite cool.

Sorry i know this doesnt really answer your question but i cant think properly right now for some reason
iBot said:

Why would it be a problem?

Read the whole post, he's asking whether we reckon it'd be likely that people with the same surname could be related - and there's PLENTY wrong with that.
Never even met someone unrelated with the same surname as me so dating someone with it is unlikely :)

Know a few couples with the same first name though :p
I guess the Italian version of my surname would make me a coffee shop owner (see: Costa) but no, I'v never been in that situation, would be pretty odd actually.
ScarySquirrel said:
My surname is Benson. Im yet to find a Hedges.

But no, I have never had anyone with the same surname yet, but I can imagine it would be quite cool.

Sorry i know this doesnt really answer your question but i cant think properly right now for some reason
LOL. Nice one. My last name, Lister, is quite an English name I think but apart from my Mum (Lister was her maiden name, parents got divorced, said bye to Father's last name and hello to Mum's maiden name. Long story.........) and my uncle in Canada I haven't ever met anyone else with the last name of Lister so unlikely to happen.

Knowing my luck I'll probably end up marrying a Brenda (B.Lister/blister) or a Maureen (MoLister/molester) etc.:D

Can't think of any more but I'm sure there are.
My surname is Setty (like the sofa hahahah, no..), and there are millions of people in India with that surname. It's a really common surname in the subcontinent like Patel and Shah and probably proportionally similar numbers like e.g. Stone, or Jones in England.

My sister and her husband were born with the same surnames but our familes are from about 1000 miles apart!

I guess it depends if the girl looks like your mom or auntie or something lol.
da_mic_1530 said:
get a dave lister in your family, then crack the red dwarf jokes out ;)
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, pulled a face at my best mate who calls me Dave. Don't mind that actually, it is actually a decent nickname and I love the show.:cool:
peteruk said:
Now as far as we know, we're not related in any way (looking at the immediate past), and the surname, 'Cooper', is very common - at least 5 in my school of 800 have it.
Most surnames aren't very inventive. They're either based around jobs (e.g. Smith) or around first names (e.g. Johnson = Son of John).

Cooper is a job-related surname -- back in the distant past, people didn't have very good imaginations so when they wanted to be called something other than 'Bob', they'd say "I make barrels, so I must be Bob Cooper!".

Given that a lot of people used to make barrels, Cooper is a popular surname (and as such, two people with that surname aren't likely to be related).
I've met plenty of Johnson's before (my surname's Johnson obviously), was seeing one for a VERY short time. No incestual thoughts entered my mind :p

I actually know 3 or 4 people with the same first AND surname as me :eek:

EDIT - Creepy xyphic...
Princey said:
My last name is Prince and my last girlfriends last name was King. I found that to be quite cool.
You're clearly made for each other - what went wrong? :p :D (though she can lay claim to having the final word, by virtue of being "King" vs. a mere "Prince"... hehe)
If it's a common surname then I'd say it's unlikely you're related. Anyway even if they are a long lost cousin, it's still legal :eek:
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