Ever come close to walking out of work?

3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco
I was really tempted to just walk out of work, and say "I QUIT" on the way out yesterday. The scenario is that yesterday we was told that we are supporting something that should be done by another department; but since they so busy by it; its now supported by us.

The issue is that theres people of a higher grade and pay that a trainned and qualified to deal with this project within our department, but since theres not enough of them (we been telling them this all the time) they can't do it, so they told us who have not been trained to do it.

The reason why I'm upset is that we are now doing the same job of the people of the higher grade, and due to the way that the project is ran; the job is infact harder. All our bounses are setup to reflect the work we do and this will affect that. Since we will be doing the same job of the higher grade; the likelihood of them needed those people in the future is very unlikley; therefore I can't see them promoting anymore people to that grade and as a result I now see myself now in a dead end job!

Another thing that really upset me about this, is that when I tried to rise my concerns to the management; they will not discuss it! I belive that they know we are right; but may have been told by higher management to do it.
One of the managers said "If your that concern rise your issue in an email to me, and cc in <higer managment name>, but I would sleep on it if I was you! cause you wont like the response!" This to me; sounds like a treat.

In the past before we was told to do project, we would sit down and work out the guidelines on the support; so we know what is expected and what we deal with, in this case they just dumped it on us; and we aint got a clue.

The support for this project is been moved from one department to another; mainly since no one wants to do it or they done such a poor job of it, it was taken away from us. We dont want to do it; but theres no business reason why we can't do it; so its likley to stick with us :( .

I can't go into details of the project or our roles in the department for certain reasons, but Am I in the wrong to be upset?

Its not just me in the department; everyone in the department - apart from management seems to upset on this as it seems the start of doom for our department.

so far the management are trying to sort something out; but it will not stop us doing a role that we are not paid for or using new skills which they have not trained us.... whilst theres people that do get paid and been trained not doing it since they don't have the staff and wont employee more.... I have emailed them about the training.

Today its not been better; no one wants to talk about it as its aways ends up in rage!
Efour2 said:
I assume you work in Civil service? Where grade is king. And promotion is more time based that "skills" based.

I work in IT, the department deals with commercial projects and support for them... promotion are done on skills/interviews, but they only open the position once they feel the need for it... therefore they will not need to promote us as we are already doing the work of the staff from the above grade.

XPE said:
Shag the project up good and proper and they won’t ask you to do it again, and when the management complains just say that’s what happens when you dump work on untrained people with zero prep work.

thats the thought of the department as a whole! we are too busy as it is...

Jofujofu said:
Which will also make you look like a complete fool. Why not just put as much effort into as you would in normal circumstances?

Why should we as we not being paid/trainned to do it, and they milking a skill set from us that was never required for the job before....
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Stretch said:
If you have discussed this with your manger how have they justified this situation to you?

I dont think they can justify it as they wont discuss it with us - thats one of the major issue, they just told us that upper management has told them to do this, without notice or discussion.
Jofujofu said:
Well, it's up to you at the end of the day. But you should consider how it would look on future references, and also why can't you use this 'opportunity' to better yourself and make yourself look good at work? I agree with the training aspects of it, but these things happen in all jobs. It's up to you if you want to be rebellious and cry or grasp this 'opportunity' to improve your skills. Also, working above your level is a good thing to have on a CV for when you leave your job.

Just my thoughs mate, at the end of the day it's up to you.


I understand the whole 'opportunity' thing, I've been with the company for nearly 7 years, I regurarly do things out of my current role for the company; sometimes in my own time and cost. I'm one of the most multi skilled members of staff and more than capable of working to the above level and supporting this new project. But having said that there is times where the company is just taking the mick (and I belive this is one of the times), its no longer a point of proving yourself or a reasonable management request; when they tell you that your job role changes forever to the next grade up and not pay you for it.

I applied for four jobs today

Just as I post this - let another support for project I never heard of calls up!!!

To: Slinwagh

I'm with you there; lucky theres a chain of command in place at our work; if any manager thats not my own tries to be-littles or tells me off; I would ask them who they are? as their have no rights to as there not my manager.

The managers are quite well 'manager like' at our place, they wont even try to tell us of in front of other members of staff; most likely because they know; I will escalate it there manager as them being unprofessional. - God this does make me sound like a trouble maker - but belive me I'm not.
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just been told by management that we will only be supporting it for 6 weeks for now and it will be reviewed later. also they come with some mickey mouse support/tech guide for training. LOL... its since everyone kicked up a fuzzy
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