ever feel like a sucker?

19 Mar 2021
Some of us have a natural position of having "the best" when it comes to gaming rigs but dont it ever make you feel a sucker?. I am no exception to this I must have the best tech, after upgrading to DDR5 mobo, ram and ordering 13th gen i9 then comes the RTX 4090 arriving, just as you install it a thought pops into your head you just know it wont be long before the 4090Ti comes forth to ruin our day but you must keep upgrading like a compulsion.
It is good to see not everyone is involved as someone put it the rat race, You start to feel like a junkie when a new part comes out. Drak, i have the same processor in a pc build upstairs in the pc graveyard it was a great. That is the thing though pc graveyards, even my 3050-90s are up in there it feels wrong never to use them again.

I want to drop from the rat race but that gamer voice tells me not to. I also console game but is the same must have, on launch I got 3x series x and ps5s just so I could ensure at least 1 turned up day one.
@drakulton think 4 kids is a lot, ive got more ( im 37 as of today ) and got 7 kids lol people say you need a hobby mate... got one lol

I think the era these days is just to pump out as much as they can one after the other for the suckers money. Im no different, since starting this post ive spent roughly 12k on pc parts but in all honesty I have a rtx 3090ti suprim, 12th gen oc, 64ddr4, evo ssds etc set up under my main build rtx 4090 suprim, 64 ddr5, 12th gen blah blah on the same odyssey neo g9. The difference between is minimal when gaming or editing, each system running ultra / psycho settings maxed out. A few frames higher on the 4090 and temps lower but about it. I can go back to my 4770/ gtx 1080 setup in the graveyard and will still pump out a good gaming session. We get drawn in ( as hes typing this buying a new maximus extreme.... and telling himself its a self birthday gift ) they make us want it lol.
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