Ever used your car to pull a bird?

Mic said:
Dropped her glasses on the carpet did she?

I can imagine agw holding some poor lasses face up against the cylinder head "SEE!!!?? SEE THAT - HEAD GASKET IN TACT B****!, NOW GO TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW" :mad:

Enfield said:
What about you then, Merlin?

You have a sexy car!

Same as Drex - just school girls come up to the car, tbh it's a bit embarassing. I just want to get away from them - 34 yr old chatting to school girls about my car is well dodgy.

They're cheeky as **** though - ask for a ride, ask for a lift home and all "dont worry - my mates can walk home". Unbelievable. If my daughter grows up to do that I'll break her neck.
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