Everquest the Original

28 Jun 2003
I miss it so MUCH! :( It arguably stole 4 years of my life but I loved every minute of it!

Anyone else still miss it? I know its still out but its not what it used to be. I'm talking about the first 5 years or so when it was its best.

No other MMORPG has come close to it unfortunatly :(

EQ was epic...the raids were pure organised choas lol non of this 40 max rubbish- hundreds were often involved in some of the bigger encounters. Loved the thrill of the rare spawns and having several other guilds on the server after the same goal (no instancing)..its what made it harder and more of an achievement and gave each server its own community.

I should be finishing my dissertation but I've been viewing videos on youtube about it all afternoon lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jBNwFu_--s

..anyway just thought I'd vent that lol.
Cazic Thule I was in Hawk Lords and played with an Enchanter I got to 59, Necro to 51 and a Druid to 45?

Then on AB I was in "Innit" lol and mostly played my Wizard Murdokio who was 60 ... . Raging Fury oooo how I had agro with them....thought they were all frenchies? We always seemed to be in direct competition with them.

You guys are right the the best thing about it was how it was an "adventure" where there were real risks and no one held your hand. Grrrr
You thinking of Justice Divine?

I was only a lowbie when JD were on the server but I remember the amount of hate they got from everyone else on the server :p

Ah yeah my mistake it was JD....argh how I literally HATED them - they did not play by the rules at all.

Spirity: your so right and your post makes me miss it even more. :( It really was about community in EQ and thats definatly something that lacks in the new MMO's :(
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