Everyone has the same Nike boots at the WC.

12 Jun 2004
Apparently they are being paid by Nike to wear them, is this true? If so does anyone know how much? There was a slow motion of five players and all of them were wearing the same grey and orange football boots.

Can anyone enlighten me?
nike mercurials arent they?

They do a bunch of different versions depending on the ground type :o

T90 Laser III Elites are like £250 lol
i got myself a world cup ball the other day.. its certainly seems quite soft and very glidey through the air. Many players complaining about it in the World Cup. Not a bad ball but feels slightly different.
You guys aren't really answering my question! :confused: :p

How much are the players being paid, if so why? Just because Nike feels they are better for the ball?
They are the elite series by nike, meaning the same colour are applied to their 4 main ranges of boots. Very clever marketing.They are now instantly recogniseable as nikes, even though there are 4 different boots out there!
I doubt that everyone are wearing the boots as individual players will have their own sponsors to wear their boots. It could be true for those without sponsors though.
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