Evil Dead 1 and 2 any good?

26 Nov 2006
guildford, surrey
What do people think of these films? Im watching 2 tonight with a mate and we havent seen either, are they any good? Ive heard the first one had some extreme gore in it all homemade stuff on a $50,000 budget.
can anyone tell me, the first one a girl apprently gets raped by a tree, is there anything sick/sexual in the second one? Just because people who shouldnt see that stuff may be in the room.
some people say it was £350,000 (like IMDB etc) but i think thats with all the marketing and stuff, as a lot of reviews have been saying it cost £50,000 to make the film.
well i saw the second one last night and it was very good, some funny stuff in there although i was expecting more gore :p Definatly going to have to see the first one.
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