Evil Dead: The Game

14 Sep 2007
Anyone picked this up? I'd dismissed it out of hand prior to launch, expecting another poor Friday 13th style game but from the videos i've seen last week since launch, i'm really liking the look of it. Would just like some opinions of anyone who might have tried it, good, bad or other.

Also the reviews from users generally seem a lot more favourable than I ever expected.

I quite like Dead By Daylight and seems like a nice evolution of that.
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I caved, sold some ram on MM that paid for this - played about 6 hours yesterday, definitely a game I can see myself putting a few hours a night into.

It seems heavily in favour of the survivors, only won 1 match as a demon - need to get that skill tree filled out.

Graphically and controls wise i'm really impressed - very atmospheric - the single player missions are quite fun.

I think it's biggest strength is it's clearly made by folks with love for the movies/TV show - had a lot of fun yesterday spotting all the easter eggs/references.
Right now it seems its only possible to buy direct from EGS they are not allowing 3rd party sellers to get the keys for some weird reason..........
I bought via Kinguin on Sunday - although the activation was convoluted, Kinguin gave me a GreenManGaming gift key that I signed into and then it linked the game into my epic account.

I agree on the time limits, seems arbitrary with no real thought - next few weeks will be key in seeing how they respond to community and feedback on whether this lasts. I'll be hammering it next few weeks as i'm having a lot of fun so even if it does die in a month, i've got my moneys worth. I hope it lasts though, this has plenty of potential, just without Steam sales too, it could be put into an early grave.
Played a few hours each night, really having a blast and only played as Demon so far, definitely getting my ass handed to me a lot until yesterday where I had 3 wins in a row and made a whole team disconnect. Had to focus skills into specific areas and get the skill tree unlocks to really stand a chance.

Lots of Kelly's running around who can 2/3 shot bosses, not sure if hacks but it's rage inducing.

Read its sold 500k copies in 5 days so hopefully have a bit of life for a while.
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