Evil Genius 2

1 Jun 2014
So after a lot of false starts, including the threat talk of a crowd-funding campaign, Rebellion have announced that they are finally going to make a sequel to the little gem Evil Genius. If you're unfamiliar with it, it was a great little base building RTS. You played as a 60s era Bond-styled super-villain, building and defending your lair while you attempted research that would bring you world domination.

Before I get too excited though, the original was made by Elixir, who went kaput shortly after. The IP was bought by Rebellion, so it remains to be seen if they can recapture the magic. The game is early in development, so will be ages off yet. However, the original is cheap enough in the Steam sale, if you fancy giving it a go.
I'm looking forward to this and hope it works out. If it can capture the style and humour of the first game then it will be a definite buy for me as I found it a great way to sink a couple of hours in between more manic titles.

A title I will be keeping one eye on with interest because I had had all but given up hope of it happening.
A gem indeed. I only actually managed to complete it once or twice out of dozens of playthroughs so it still holds great memories for me wondering what I might have missed.

The choice of henchmen was awesome! :D
I enjoyed the idea of the first one but I didn't think they quite delivered a really good game. I'm hoping the second one is better!
Its good news but I was disappointed when the first attempt disappeared and as its in the very early planning states probably wont see this till 2019 ! Here's hoping.

Played Evil Genius to death ! There are some good mods too that make the game even better.

That said, you may well be asking why it’s taken us a while to get to this point. As some of you may remember, we were very close to announcing this project several years ago. Back then, our plan was to crowd-fund a new Evil Genius PC game and we made a series of steps to launching a campaign.

So why didn’t we go ahead with it? Firstly, we were in the middle of a big transition into becoming our own publisher and we needed to put resources into the projects that became Zombie Army Trilogy, Battlezone on PSVR and Sniper Elite 3 & 4.

Secondly, we decided crowd-funding wasn’t the way we wanted to go. After the growing success of the Sniper Elite series and other Rebellion games IP, we started to feel it wasn’t fair to ask fans to fund a new game if we didn’t need them to! With some big projects now out the door and being enjoyed by gamers worldwide, we feel like now is the time to return to the world of Evil Genius.

So yes, it’s taken us some time to get to this point. But today we are in a position where we can happily say Evil Genius 2 is an actual thing we’re actually coding, designing and er… arting, right now!

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