Well that time has come again for the end of year books to be done, figured I would upgrade rather that just spend more on Corp Tax
, its all expenses.
Have all items now apart from the CPU as planning to use 14th Gen 14900K, however need to wait until the 17th October for this. So I might as well start getting the fiddly bits ready, the only items left to get now are the water cooling pipework/fittings, which I am still deciding to be Barrow or Alpha, I am just not a fan of the look of some of Alphas with the twists being patterned.
I get very little time so mainly will being do this over the next few weeks/months.

Started with the pump/res combo unit, which originally looked like this.

I stripped it down and also ordered all nice stainless screws.

Really pleased in the result at the end, have ordered a gromet, however once in position I might use a tad of sealant just to just finish it off nicely.

Next step will be fitting a radiator to see what fan screws I need to order in stainless steel etc.

Have all items now apart from the CPU as planning to use 14th Gen 14900K, however need to wait until the 17th October for this. So I might as well start getting the fiddly bits ready, the only items left to get now are the water cooling pipework/fittings, which I am still deciding to be Barrow or Alpha, I am just not a fan of the look of some of Alphas with the twists being patterned.
I get very little time so mainly will being do this over the next few weeks/months.

Started with the pump/res combo unit, which originally looked like this.

I stripped it down and also ordered all nice stainless screws.

Really pleased in the result at the end, have ordered a gromet, however once in position I might use a tad of sealant just to just finish it off nicely.

Next step will be fitting a radiator to see what fan screws I need to order in stainless steel etc.
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