evolve - opinions please peeps

10 Dec 2004
Friend and I have been looking getting this for a month or so but just wanted some proper gamers feedback rather than going on just mag / site reviews.

Any thoughts on the game welcome before I drop the £20 on it


Meh its alright... its nothing that will keep you coming back to it though, once you've had a few games it starts to feel the same. Great with friends but its already gone pretty dead for the community now.

Might want to look at getting something else to play with your mate for a bit and wait for a better price drop
I bought this day one after playing the beta. I probably put about 10 hours into the Beta and have logged 50 on this so far - that makes it my fourth most played game on Steam.

What you need to remember is that you effectively have two games with Evolve - one as the Monsters and one as the Hunters. Both games also change significantly depending on the character\monster you pick. Anyone that plays it for a few hours and says it's samey hasn't give the game a fair crack of the whip. There are also three other game modes to the main Hunt mode and although Hunt is my favourite - the others require a different approach to the game and that is refreshing.

I'm a billy no mates so I generally play as the monster so I can give you a better idea from that perspective. Each of the three existing monsters plays very differently. There is a suprising amount of depth to how you play as each one. How you level them up, when to sneak, when to run, leaving false trails, when to fight - I'm still learning new tricks and techniques. Admittedly, a lot of matches do follow a familar pattern, but that's not to say that there are not stand out moments. I play mainly as Wraith and when I recently got matched against a pubs team on my favourite map I knew I was likely to win, but they caught me at Stage 2 in a perfect Dome where I had nowehere to hide and they almost killed me. It ruined me for the rest of the match, but I got to stage 3 and the final battle was so close. I eventually got them down to only the medic and went in for the kill, but my health was so low from earlier the downed Hunters killed me with pistols a second before I landed the the final blow. Yeah, I lost but it was a fantastic intense match.

You have mate to play with so your enjoyment of playing as the Hunters will be much greater. Each class and character is so well designed that you will have a fair few favourites to choose from. Working as a team you stand a very good chance against the monster and it is so satisfying to finally kill them after a long battle.

In my opinion it is a fantastic game and its unlike most other games out there. The recent blanace patch has improved things further and the new monster Behemoth looks great - this was originally a pre-order bonus, but you can pick it up for 70p from key sites.

Watch a few youtube vids, but I think if you have a mate that will play it with you regularly you'll love it.
I found it extremely repetitive to be honest, and I only played it over one of the beta weekends.

To further compare with L4D (because that seems to be what it's trying to be), at least with L4D you were constantly moving forward, with a definite "objective", with Evolve, it just seemed like as the hunters you were just wandering around hoping to get lucky and sport the monster, and as the monster, just running around trying to find as much to eat as quickly as possible.

I found all the matches very unbalanced - if the hunters find the monster early on, the monster is very weak and will probably die quickly.

If the monster manages to fully evolve, then the hunters can pretty much just sit there hitting it, and the monster will still be able to destroy the objective.
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