Evolve thread

1 Jun 2006
Last edited:
the gameplay video is a bit darker than te other video i seen which looked really easy to see what you were doing. maybe a editing slip up.

the other version i think is in the ign article.
just to update this a little

this game seems to be slipping under radar a bit . think its going to be massive myself.
just finished first match i videoed it so will add later.

seemed pretty fun. monster is very strong. lobby system was very slow.

catching back up with the monster is quite hard if you lose it. use traps to keep it held down at one point i had quite a few down thought we had him then i was killed :( :p

you need to work as a team and its pretty simple to play. you have like a boost jump. so like a jet pack. this regenerates.

graphics looked decent not crysis 3 amazing but pretty good.

overall not bad. think id pick it up when its half price or deal on. wouldnt pre purchase it.
Wasn't getting it anyway but I hate that preorder business model too. This game will be hyped like Titanfall and fail like it also.

oh my titanfall was top selling game for 3 months! :p

i get what you saying though :D

i will play next beta but not buying it . :p
games going to be very short lived. probably dead in a month.

they haven't changed many things that could have made it great.
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