Excel Help - Hard to explain

3 Oct 2011
Right being a Scout leader means I like to include as many Scouts in a camp as possible trying to arrange dates around their own family holidays etc. So everytime a camp comes up I ask for the dates they are available to get a just of who is available when.

Now I thought of trying to show this in an excel sheet to see the best overlap. I ask you if there is an easier way of doing this, I have just written the dates in manually then filled in the corresponding cells.

But with the use of additional conditional formatting/graphs or other features can I make this job easier, where I can fill in dates and the cells with highlight themselves?


Any input is greatly appreciated :)
Worked an absolute treat :D Thanks very much, should make it easier to visualise dates now when planning camps etc


For others that might find this useful, I changed the True value to "Y" and then used the "conditional formating too"l," highlight cells rules", "equal too". And if the cell is equal to Y then they are filled green, and made the text colour the same colour to hide it.
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