Excel help pls

24 Oct 2012
From what I understand we have a fair few Excel pros on here, here's hoping one of you guys can help me out.

I'm making a todo list on Excel with various tabs for various items (fire systems, water systems, cleaning, etc).

In a cell I'll add an item which needs doing, in the next cell I want to add date raised, the next cell will allow me to input weeks which will add a date automagically, and colour the entire row based on time remaining.

Is this possible? This is probably a noob question for most of you but my Excel skills are woeful.

Cheers :)
Like this?


If so, the formula in the last cell is =B3+(C3*7)

To do the coloured rows, you just use conditional formatting based on current date against date in the cell and have a rule for number of days remaining. Something like if difference is <=5 then colour me red, <=10 colour me yellow etc.
Like this?


If so, the formula in the last cell is =B3+(C3*7)

To do the coloured rows, you just use conditional formatting based on current date against date in the cell and have a rule for number of days remaining. Something like if difference is <=5 then colour me red, <=10 colour me yellow etc.

Voodoo. Cheers dude :)
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