Excellent CGI that's not entirely obvious

14 Sep 2007
I've decided to start this thread on the back of the discussion in the T: Dark Fate thread and also a video which popped up on my YT thread last night. I feel it might be overlooked in the other thread.

I'm a big David Fincher fan but he's not someone that springs to mind as using a lot of CGI effects. However turns out his movies are absolutely littered with CGI work. From the obvious long shots in Fight Club and Panic Room to more subtle background shots, it's everywhere.

One thing I didn't know was that he doesn't use blood packs for gun/knife wounds, it's entirely CG work. That head wound on Daniel Craig that won't stop bleeding in Girl with the Dragon Tattoo...all CGI.

Another one that threw me recently is the birth scene in Children Of Men, the baby is almost completely a CGI creation.

So, what examples of great CGI work have you seen where it's not exactly obvious?
Personally I prefer practical effects where possible - some exceptions aside CGI tends to work best as a touch up tool.

You've actually touched on my whole reason for starting this thread. :)

That Fincher video above was a huge eye opener to so many shots which I was absolutely sure were filmed on set/location. At no point was I pulled out of those movies thinking that's CGI, it was seamless and unobtrusive.
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