Exchange 07 Calendar Sharing

26 Feb 2009
Morning all,

We're subletting part of our building to another company and want to provide resource scheduling for the shared meeting rooms.

We current use room mailboxes in Exchange 07 which works fine for us, but obviously this other company will be in a completely separate AD forest and there's no intention to merge in that respect.

So are there any tools that would allow us to publish the free/busy information and allow booking of the rooms? I know you could use IIFP and Calsync with Exchange 03, but was wondering if there was an easier/better way with 07 - either third party products or a built in tool?
Not a practical option unfortunately!

I found it's possible with IORepl and IIFP (Free MS tools but IIFP requires 2k3 Enterprise)

It's also doable with a Quest tool - costs a whopping £9 per mailbox, seeing as we only have 6 it may be worth spending the cash to make it an easier job!
We have resource accounts for our meeting rooms which somebody in admin looks after. Team managers can see the calendar of the account and book slots as required.
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