Exchange 2003 Email Query

1 Jun 2006

how do i change the reply email address for an email account / user that I have setup

im a idiot when it comes to this stuff but still i have looked and cannot find it.

Obviously when you setup a home account its easy but im not sure this way.

thanks in advance
You'll have to setup a contact record with the reply address in it and then set up forwarding to that contact on the user account email properties. At least, that's how i'd do it.
Go into Active Directory Users and Computers and double click on the user. Goto the email addresses tab and the "reply to address" is the one in bold. You can add a new SMTP address from there and make it bold by clicking on Make primary...
But that would change the sent from address?

Yes it would.

Depends on the situation OP. You have a user who has two valid email addresses and you want him to be able to receive as one and send as another?

Sounds a case of creating a group and giving him sendas permissions. Depending on if he wants to be able to switch between which address he sends as?

Alternatively change the address in the from: field in outlook? What are you trying to achieve exactly? Can you give a bit more detail?
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We have a machine at work which is just used for sending out emails / bills emails to customers which takes hours at a time via an application i cannot change.

it used a email address say : [email protected] as the send address and sends the emails using a combination of outlook and click yet pro.

the email account is setup in in outlook using exchange server. i just cant find a setting for a reply email address within outlook or exchange

i want them emails to go out as that address but the reply email to be [email protected] in case customers change there mind.
Or give people dealing with enquiries access to the payment mailbox.

One of the best adages in IT - KISS. Keep it simple, stupid.
thanks for the ideas chaps the forward seems like a simple enough idea.

dont want to give them all access to send emails as we need to make sure they are all automated outbound emails just want them to handle the incoming emails properly.
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