Exchange 2003 issue - Non Delivery query

6 Jun 2005
Curious issue recently - wondered if anyone here can help.

I work for a small investment company with about 60- 70 users all relatively happily using Exchange 2003.

Our emails are filtered for content by Messegelabs mainly for viruses etc and content under 10Mb with attached jpegs / suspicious language / etc automatically go to an Admin account which I can forward onto user as required (and intended recipent gets messagelabs emails saying it has been diverted).

Excel / Word /pdf docs etc under 10Mb go straight to intended user with no intervention. No matter what it is anything over 10MB in size gets bounced back to sender by Messegelabs with message going to intended recipient also.

The issue itself

A legal document (I believe to be in doc format) was over the size limit - but instead of being rejected by messagelabs got through to the internal "postmaster" account - and this account sent a standard non-delivery report to 2 different external accounts (two different people tried sending to same internal user) and nothing to the user.

1stly Is there any way for this postmaster account to send an Non delivery report to the intended recipient - I have been told there is nothing as default in Exchange 2003 but I want to be sure>

2nd - Does anyone know of a good 3rd party tool to resolve the above so no matter where an email lands, an NDR is always recieved by the intended party?

3rd - I would love to work out what caused this document to slip through the filters so we can tighten them up - but without examining it closely (which Im not being allowed to do) for words that may have caused issue, but I think thats going to be impossible

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated
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