Exchange 2003 - Read Only Mailbox



16 Jan 2003
Hi Guys,

I have a multi user mailbox setup and I want to give x users Full Access to the mail box but prevent them from Deleting any emails out of it.

In Active Directory I have..

Exchange Adavanced Tab
Mail Box rights
Given X User Full Mail Box Access so they can open it in OutLook

Security Tab
Effective Permissions
For X user Delete is not ticked

What am I doing wrong Any ideas?

For more granular controls you need to set it in Outlook - log in with the user associated with the mailbox and set the permissions from there.

The delete in effective permissions means they cannot delete the mailbox
Thanks for the reply but I've already tried this..

I have to give the User Full Mail Box access in AD for it to show all the Mailbox items in Outlook and Then I set just the permission on the Inbox for x user to 'Reviewer' but they can still delete items.


The full access in AD will override the partial access in Exchange - remove it from AD and set from there
The full access in AD will override the partial access in Exchange - remove it from AD and set from there

cheers for the help but tried that too

I've tried just giving them the Read permission in AD and No permission at all in AD and just setting them up from the mailbox they are accessing in Outlook all with no luck!

It's really odd as you would expect it to work. After doing some googling I think it's a known problem and can not be done :(
:confused: I've done it loads!

Remove it from AD completely, so its like it was when the mailbox was created. Set the permissions properly in Outlook on the mailbox and the inbox
cheers for the help but tried that too

I've tried just giving them the Read permission in AD and No permission at all in AD and just setting them up from the mailbox they are accessing in Outlook all with no luck!

It's really odd as you would expect it to work. After doing some googling I think it's a known problem and can not be done :(

Read permission in mailbox rights should really say 'read the permissions of this mailbox'. It doesn't give any mailbox access.
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