Exchange 2007 CAL's

3 Feb 2003
Sydney, Australia
Just a quicky I hope...

With MS Exchange 2007 do you need a CAL for every mailbox or just enough for concurrent users?

We have approx 360 mailboxes but have never had more than 100 people connected at any one time.

I could ring up MS I guess but thoought I'd check here first.

You need a CAL for each user or device that accesses a mailbox. As I understand it this is non-concurrent. Number of mailboxes is not important

If you have users outside your organisation - partners, suppliers, retirees etc you need an external connector licence

CALs no longer cover the use of Outlook you need to get that separately
Quote from MS

The Exchange Server 2007 user/device CAL is required for each user/device gaining access to the server, and entitles access rights to both editions of Exchange Server.

So basically everybody who access the Exchange server needs a CAL or if you have shared machines (call centre type things) then you license per device.
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