Exchange gurus - assistance please!

22 Feb 2008
Hi folks,

If anyone is familiar with Exchange 2007 I'd appreciate a little help. Basically, I have a bunch of users whose mailboxes are set to auto-forward all email to another address, and also deliver to the mailbox.

All works ok, though sometimes the mail isn't fowarded -- usually, when it's a reply to an original email.

So, let's say we have three users. User one sends an email to 2 and 3, who have the forwarding set up.

This initial email is delivered to the alternative (auto-forwarded) address of 2 and 3 with no problem.

User 2 then send a reply to all to this message. User 1 receives the reply, but User 3 ONLY gets the reply into their main mailbox. It is NOT auto-forwarded to the alternative as it should be.

Is this by design? Seems a bit idiotic if so...
Thanks for the response. :D

The problem appears to be with external (admittedly, it hasn't been reported internally so not sure if it also occurs there, and I haven't tested it with solely internal addresses yet).

Basically, the address that the original mail is sent to is internal. This then forwards to the external address. It all works fine unless someone sends a reply to the initial email to everyone's internal addresses. The reply is received just fine to the internal mailbox, but doesn't get forwarded to the external as the original mail did.
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