Exchange / Outlook gurus

28 Sep 2008
I look after a small exchange environment for some friends who run their own business. They are using Exchange 2010 and Outlook 2010. They have quotas in place.

Where I work, we also use Exchange and Outlook 2010.

If I click the top left icon in Outlook and then info, I have the cleanup mailbox option which also shows a little storage bar thing like this:


But the Outlook 2010 client of my friends machiens doesn't have this bar (just the bar is missing). How do I enable it?
Just a thought, but have you got all your SSL certs correct, and checked the External/Internal addresses in EMC?

I know during our migration to Exchange 2010 some of the Outlook 2010 functionality like the Out Of Office alerts tip bar in emails wasn't working until all the SSL certs and correct internal/external addresses were correct. It didn't give any errors it just didn't work.

PS. I wish we had 200mb quotas, some of our mailboxes are over 15Gb :(
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