Exchange to Notes - anyone done it?

31 Dec 2003
Stoke on Trent
Hi all,

Has anyone ever migrated from Exchange to Notes?

What is involved? I am well out of the loop when it comes to E-mail, having previously been a bit part Exchange man only.

Am I right in thinking it's a simple case of creating a Notes server then changing the MX records at the provider level to point to Notes instead of Exchange?

Or is there more to it?

Cheers in advance!
God knows why you'd want to - we're still trying to get information of Notes to another medium (probably Sharepoint).

Notes is an evil, evil thing.

Easiest way would be to change the internal IP (assuming you have a NAT) to match the old server (if you no longer need it) or changing the NAT to point to the new server.

Just started work at a new place and they are notes through and through, no chance of it ever changing.

It's a bit odd to use but not terrible, no idea what it's like to support though, all the MS stuff is relatively easy and get the impression this isn't so.
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When I joined my current company they used notes, I cannot stand it, I don't know why someone would choose it, although I only use it as an end user so it may have some awesome admin support that makes it worth having.

The trouble with notes is its got a lot of functions with note apps and databases that you can't get with Outlook but I just want my email client to show me my email!

I love that it took them to version 8 to include a spell check that highlights spelling mistakes as you type :confused:

What I always say about Notes is it looks like a really good student project. Like some ones final year project was to write an email client in Java and they did a good job and got a first. Then somehow it got released as a enterprise product

<rant over>
Thanks for the replies guys, lol at the hate for it, I totally sympathise, it's not good compared to Exchange. Like Ev0 though, I'm new with this company (for 9 months) and Notes isn't going anywhere fast.

I had an update today though which let me know that the company i'm trying to change to Notes only use Exchange internally for comms between each hopefully no messing with NAT or MX records...
When I joined my current company they used notes, I cannot stand it, I don't know why someone would choose it, although I only use it as an end user so it may have some awesome admin support that makes it worth having.

Reading about it though on paper it should be an awesome product, as you said it's an app development type collaboration software that just so happens has an email app. It's kind of email, sharepoint, db etc all in one place.

I still don't quite 'get' it yet and agree as an end user all I want is my email, diary and contact list :)

But it's never going anywhere at my new place, ever I'd have thought.
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Reading about it though on paper it should be an awesome product, as you said it's an app development type collaboration software that just so happens has an email app. It's kind of email, sharepoint, db etc all in one place.

I still don't quite 'get' it yet and agree as an end user all I want is my email, diary and contact list :)

But it's never going anywhere at my new place, ever I'd have thought.

It's not a collaboration tool, it's just got a place to host documents. It has no version control etc.... Basically an email client which has **** versions of other prodcuts bolted on
Maybe your definition is different to mine but to me it's very much a collaboration software product.

And its the other way round, it's a product that has an email app bolted on :)
As far as I'm concerned notes is possibly the worst piece of software ever and was probably written by Satan himself. Don't do it.

- GP
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