Exercises that don't invole my legs

20 Mar 2004
I'm trying to take up jogging, been doing it for about 6 weeks, I'm still very slow, with lots of walking between bouts of jogging, breathings been getting better, sadly my legs havn't had the same rate of progress. I'm currently attempting to jog 3 times a week and having off days to rest my legs, especially my knees which are giving me gyp.

I would like to do something on my off days though, while my legs are recovering, can anyonre recommend some exercises that put little to no stress on my legs?
Thanks for all the replies.

Just to answer a few questions, yep I'm overweight, I'm 5' 10" and I weigh 14st 3lbs. I know that's pretty bad but I used to be over 16st. I lost it because of a change in diet, cut out all the sugary treats and the soft drinks, I also started cycling, but can't do that at the moment (house fire and bike was damaged).
I did used to swim about a year ago, but I can't do it anymore, physically I'm fine, I just can't stand the other people in the pool. :p

I don't have any running shoes at the moment, just using an old pair of trainers, but I was thikning of going to a running shop and seeing what they do.

I have kind of been mulling over the idea of joining a local gym.
I don't work Tuesdays, so tomorrow I plan to be proactive.

I'm going hit up Podplus and see about getting some running shoes and I'm also thinking of hitting up the local gyms and see what's on offer.
Any tips on how to pick a gym though? I'm clueless so the only thing I'll be going on is price.

I'm in Ashford, Kent if anyone has any suggestions. :)
Forgot about this thread, but that's handy because I have another question. :D

What do people eat before exercising?
When I do run, I do it before work and breakfast (which is generally Weetabix). I went for a run Friday morning and boy did I struggle, legs were just dead weight 1/2 way into the run, had no fuel in the tank.
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