Exhaust/ End can help

6 Sep 2008
Near Hull
When i got my bike (ZX6r F3) it had a micron end can on it and i was also supplied with a remus end can for MOT purposes. The end cans are just slip/bolt on cans and i had no problem changing to the remus can, all went on nice and easy.

This morning I've changed it back to the Micron can and i've tightend up the 3 bolts, but it's blowing a bit from near the bottom bolt. like when fitting the remus all i have done again is removed one and fitted the other.

Should i be changing/adding a gasket or is their something else i can do?
How does the end can go on ? If it slips on and the 3 screws are screwed in to nip onto the pipe then your pipe may be slightly distorted from when you tightened the other can. Have a look down the pipe & see if you can knock it out a bit if you get me.

If it is 2 rings that meet then take the can off & tap the pipe ring out a tad.

i will have to have a look at that then, when i swapped for the mot it was just a case of removing 3 bolts slipping one can off, putting the other on and replacing the bolts.
It seems the bolts where somehow too long for the exhaust now, exact same bolts from before but allowing a bit of exhaust gas to escape this time.
as you say, they could have moulded together before to make a good seal. I've managed to close the gap by adding an extra washer, although it doesn't look ideal i will have to try find new bolts for it.
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