Exhaust Noise

19 Nov 2010
I have a scorpion slip-on fitted and I'm considering removing the baffle. Is this street legal? Or does it leave me susceptible to a penalty? I see, and quite often hear without seeing, loud bikes riding around all the time. And seemingly without any issues. Is this just a 'don't get caught' thing?
The safety aspect is quite appealing, and just for the sake of having an awesome sounding bike of course ;)

I had an interesting convo with a policeman a week or two ago in Brecon while riding with a group of mates, all of us got pulled over into a lay-by where there were officers waiting to check all details etc.

I've removed my baffle and so have a few others, we were told by the motorcycle officer that removing the baffle was an offence in it's self, as the exhaust it no longer as it should be.

Told that it's a £100 on the spot fine, i don't agree with it if i'm honest and think it's a load of BS.

I did mention that it was removable for a reason, and as such isn't outside of the manufactures specifications, so the only way in my mind to receive the fine would be noise related, thus they'd need to test it, but alas he repeated that even removing the baffle is an offence.

Strange thing was that at least 5 of us had no baffles, yet none of us got fined.

I'm a little surprised by this though. I can understand road riding without a baffle being an offence, but the mere act of removing a baffle?

So this officer must have noticed then, but he couldn't be bothered with the paperwork? Or was he just in a good mood?
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