Exmerge? anybody use it for daily backups

18 Oct 2002
Had my request for Backup Exec exchange agent turned down, current use MS Backup to backup exchange to a file which then oges on a tape. Was thinking of trying to use exmerge instead i know you can use an ini file to tell it what to export and it would make restores much easier just wondering if anyone has tried it before?
topher said:
Yeah I've used exmerge but not for daily backups, currently using veritas backup.

I was using Backup Exec 9.1, came back from holiday and someone had bought 10 and only normal agent licences. As we spent loads on it i am not allowed to go back to 9.1 and i have had my exchange agent request turned down on numerous occaisons :( .

Think i'll have to live with spending 1 to 2 hours just to restore 1 email in some case's :mad: , with 9.1 it took seconds
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