expected salery?

18 Oct 2002
This might be in the wrong place (feel free to move it), but im in a bit of a situation I would like some advise on.

Ive been on a placement doing html/php/flash along with some sql, linux admin and photoshop work of which my employee has been making about £50 per hour from the work I have done. I was fine with this as he had given me a chance to prove me skills. But I have now been offered a job, but on the minimum wage doing the same thing (£5.05per hour) with a pay review after 3 months (been on the placement for 1 month so far). This comes to just under 10k working full time and looking through places like monsters.co.uk the junior web designers seem to get offered 15k-18k.

Is he taking advantage of me or should I really only expect min wage doing this kind of job?
ive got a hons degree in CS, I do not have any commercial experience but I have worked on a few fairly complex sites. Im not really learning much in the placement, on the contrary, I have been able to teach the others there a few things.
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