Expensive hearing aids ?

20 Nov 2002
I have just found out, but no surprise I have damaged my hearing in the high frequency range very extensively over the years (loud music).

Before I start looking has anyone had any experience with high end hearing aids, the ones I've seen or around £2800 to £3000 a pair, they also stream via Bluetooth etc.

Question is before I get caught up in all the sales bumf are they really that good and worth this kind of money and could you even compare there streaming quality to headphones of a similar price?

Thought I would ask before demoing any so I have a better idea if anyone uses them.

Bit concerned most hook over the back of the ear as I'm bald and two would I think look (obvious). I'm not that vain but would not rather look like a Borg :)
Not an NHS test though, I'm guessing, based on wanting to spend £3k on some hearing aids

Not sure which NHS ones you had but mine do all of the above - app to tweak settings / block out background noise / change to outdoor/restaurant/tinnitus setting, stream music, stream phone calls etc.

For the OP, it's got to be worth exploring the NHS route first before spending £3k on some hearing aids, I would have thought?

It was a NHS test, I was under investigation for continuing right ear infections which have been monthly. I had a wax disk welded to the ear drum so it wasn’t clear if I had damage underneath.

The plan was to use ear drops a week before appointment to soften it then remove to examine the ear drum. As it went the drops caused ear canal inflammation, looks like getting my canal wet irritates the skin.

I had two appointments an ear test then doctors after hence the post. The test was quite damming the left ear was bad the right the chart dipped steeply in the red well past severe. These results were passed on to the doctor and I was told it’s nerve damage and unrepairable and a hearing aid assessment to be arranged

Also have tetanus which I have known for years but don’t bother me that much.

I should have made my post a bit clear, I suppose I was asking if anyone had experience with going from NHS hearing aids to expensive models and if so was their a difference to justify their high cost.

Of course I will be going the NHS route first as I need a baseline improvement before testing any other, if I went private route first obviously I would have an improvement and could be easily persuaded to part with a lot of money
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