Experiences of Elementary OS Loki?

Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
I've been looking around for a new Linux distro. Previously I've been using Mint Cinnamon which I do love. But I thought it's good to keep an open mind. Today I've been trying Elementary OS Loki and it really does seem good. However I've read a few people saying it's a little buggy and you need to install a lot with the command line.

I really don't mind about the command line although a buggy OS is a deal breaker for me. The only other issue I've encountered is poor battery life on a laptop.

I'm currently running it from a USB stick before deciding whether to use it full time. What are other people's long term experiences of Elementary, whether Loki or a previous version?

Tried elementary for a while on a Gigabyte laptop as well as my desktop. Found it to generally be nice, but quite buggy. Mail client would run in background on startup, then crash, even after being disabled. Their bundled web browser was also quite buggy for me.

Went back to Fedora soon after :)
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