I've been looking around for a new Linux distro. Previously I've been using Mint Cinnamon which I do love. But I thought it's good to keep an open mind. Today I've been trying Elementary OS Loki and it really does seem good. However I've read a few people saying it's a little buggy and you need to install a lot with the command line.
I really don't mind about the command line although a buggy OS is a deal breaker for me. The only other issue I've encountered is poor battery life on a laptop.
I'm currently running it from a USB stick before deciding whether to use it full time. What are other people's long term experiences of Elementary, whether Loki or a previous version?
I really don't mind about the command line although a buggy OS is a deal breaker for me. The only other issue I've encountered is poor battery life on a laptop.
I'm currently running it from a USB stick before deciding whether to use it full time. What are other people's long term experiences of Elementary, whether Loki or a previous version?