Experiences of Sabayon?

13 Mar 2003
I have been running kubuntu for the last few years. Every time a new version comes out I consider changing to another distro and I am currently considering Sabayon.

Does anyone here run Sabayon and if so what are your experiances? esp compared to k/ubuntu. The rolling release does appeal to me but I know that rolling distros often have a reputation for being less stable. I can't be bothered with Arch at the moment.

I have downloaded Sabayon and installed it on a test partition and one thing I didn't like was the size and bloat. There were lots of non core apps included by default and it took up a huge amount of disk space. I installed the 64bit version but it still included lots of 32bit libs, gnome stuff, developer tools, media centre, full games package etc etc. Not only do I find bloat annoying anyway but all those packages are going to have lots of updates due to the rolling release.

Apart from that it seemed ok :p
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