Experimenting with a contact frame

1 Apr 2014
I've put a contact frame on my AM5 test PC and now it's lights but no action. This is not unexpected and I'm guessing I need to tighten or loosen the contact frame. Which should I try first? Also, I broke my beep speaker and don't have a spare.
Loosen it a fair bit and then slowly tighten a little at a time until it POSTs

And that's precisely what worked. Unfortunately I mis-clicked my notes as to the number of turns and they've disappeared into the ether.

I'm not sure I've got it quite right - I see a red LED during the boot process - but it's good enough for now.
Should only ever be nipped tight. As soon as you feel it grip, that's it, that's all the pressure it needs and make sure you do it in a cross pattern. If its tighter on 1 side, that can cause uneven pressure or even poor cpu contact to the socket.
It's a bit daunting to fit one of these for the first time, but make sure you tightin the screws diagonally for a even fit, what I did was when the screw felt to get tight I gave it a little bit more, nnd this worked for me the three time I fitted the contract frame.
Yes, I'm not sure what I did wrong the first time round but it's working now. Something I found was that I can no longer do the usual test of resting the CPU cooler on the CPU to see if the thing will boot because the contact frame does not supply sufficient pressure.
Yes, I'm not sure what I did wrong the first time round but it's working now. Something I found was that I can no longer do the usual test of resting the CPU cooler on the CPU to see if the thing will boot because the contact frame does not supply sufficient pressure.

Yup, that's the job of the cpu cooler if you have a contact frame. The contact frame is merely there to hold the cpu in place and there should be little to no pressure applied by the contact frame.
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