Expert advice required

31 Jul 2013
Hi everyone,

Right then, I'm currently in the market to get a gaming PC after being away from computers for about 5 years. I've made do with ps3's and 360's during this time. I have contemplated buying the new ps4 when it comes out but in reality I want to get back into PC gaming. I know how to build PC's so will be doing this myself.

What I need is your expert help and time to piece me together a build with some stipulations I require.

The system has to have windows included in build.
The system has to use the bitfenix prodigy black case.
I would prefer nvidia graphics over AMD purely based on the fact 5 years ago and before I only ever built systems with their cards. However if things have moved on these days please list the AMD card.
The build has to include a monitor.
The system must be built for gaming and nothing else apart from surfing the tinternet.
System needs to be geared up to handle BF4 multiplayer as that's the game this system is needed for to be played at high to ultra settings smoothly. Now I know we don't know what specs will be required but if its only marginally better than BF3 then this system needs to be geared to play BF3 on ultra settings.

Can't wait to see what you guys come back with, oh forgot to mention: the challenge is to build all this round the £1000 to £1200 region and not a penny more.

All the best


Thanks for answering but based on what we know about BF3 requirements please can some builds be put together. I'm not in any particular camp so would like to see some build ideas and can use the machine for bf3 for now till bf4 comes out.
That looks like a solid build. I hear what you say about waiting for the matx version for better graphics card airflow. Anyone else got any variations on the build above? It is over budget but see what your saying about down grading a few items. Thanks for putting the time and effort in to spec me a build,much appreciated.

If possible I would love to see a nvidia gtx770 in the mix, don't mind losing an ssd for a good Sata drive such as the wd cavier black or similar.

Haha thanks

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