Expired car tax refund cheque..?

29 Jul 2011
In acme's chair.
I have a car tax refund cheque for £36 from September 2015 which I just found, it states on the cheque "HM Paymaster General will pay the amount shown if this payable order is presented within 6 months", and it has of course been almost 7 months now.

Is that it now, or can I get it re-issued?

Taa. :)
Can't see why they would re-issue something like this, it's your own fault after all.

I would just pay it in anyway and chance it.
How would I get something like this re-issued if there is a way to do that..?

Will try cashing it in anyway as suggested.
Anyone else noticed a spate of threads recently where it's unlikely anyone here can give a definitive answer, but common sense and a quick phone call would have it answered it 5 minutes? Seems to have been a few recently
Anyone else noticed a spate of threads recently where it's unlikely anyone here can give a definitive answer, but common sense and a quick phone call would have it answered it 5 minutes? Seems to have been a few recently

Recent? It's always been that way.
Phoned 0300 790 6802 and asked for a re-issue, gave over the necessary details, cheque's in the post. Might be a couple of weeks. I'll get back here in a month if it hasn't shown up.
(Yes I know this thread's old, but it still turns up in search results)
Phoned 0300 790 6802 and asked for a re-issue, gave over the necessary details, cheque's in the post. Might be a couple of weeks. I'll get back here in a month if it hasn't shown up.
(Yes I know this thread's old, but it still turns up in search results)

I never did cash mine, I forgot about it... :( :p
They won't I had one for £20 and forgot, then paid it in at bank 9 months later, at first it cleared, but a few days later it was withdrawn.

So bets are they will say no.
When the refund from my SVR comes through I shall be straight to the bank with that as it was 12 months which I took out in January so should be like £400-£500 refund, which pays the £555.00 the Ferrari cost yesterday to tax.
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