Explorer or Hard Drive problem?



2 Jun 2003
In the top 1%
It is not very often I access a certain hard drive through explorer - usually the files there are accessed through another program which has a list built in.

I needed to access a certain file on that hard drive this evening. Opened My computer and clicked on the drive - 33Gb used up (of 80Gb). Fine. Open the drive up and the folder with all the files in - yup, they are there, no drama to be had. Open the folder and ah, there is a problem - There are about 3,000 "loose" files in that directory and perhaps 100 subfolders. I can only see the first 20 or so folders and about 700 files. Obviously, this is a problem!!

I can still access the files on the drives using Run if I know the filename but no longer can I go through the folder to get at the files.

I have no idea what to google for in search of answers so if any of you guys could indicate if this is a disk problem (Disk Management hasnt displayed an error) or if this is some sort of Windows gremlin I would be thankful!

EDIT: The files are all in alphabetical order and it is everything past the early Bs that has become invisible!
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