Exploring Crossfit

9 Nov 2015
Hi all, starting a log after many months of being a lurker in here and the la cuisine board :p

Background - 29 year old, always been of a larger stature but managed to challenge myself to do stupid things aka ironman Austria last June, plodding my way to 15hrs 45 mins finish. Have competed for the last 5 years or so in sprints / Olympics and then moved on to the longer distances completing 2 x half iron mans, a marathon back in 2012. Previous background in rugby, went back to it this year but a neck injury has caused that to end. Needed something to fill the gap so joined a local Crossfit box. This will log my training and dieting hopefully shedding some kilos.
Monday 9th -

Went in early to do some mobility and front squats

Warm up of 750m row followed by mobility for hamstrings, triceps and shoulders. First attempt at some strength work on the front squats, worked up to 3 x 3 at 60kg. Followed by a little bit of clean technique.

Class -
5 x 4 hang snatch at 30kg
200m run
6 x hang snatch at 30kg
2 mins on 1 min off x 5

750m row warm up, general mobility.
EMOM 6 x touch n go power cleans at 30kg
250m row
10 KB swings
10 air squats
Every 3 minutes x 5
Cheeky! To be honest I am loving it, the classes are brilliant and the groups who train and really supportive and encouraging. Once I am more into it will move into some strength work alongside the classes/wods. Yea pretty good base but I have always been a big chap, did the ironman at 128kg and I have put on a few kgs since then but aiming to get them down. Training for me has always been the easy bit, nutrition not so!
Yes a big lad GSV! Been out the gym for a couple of days with work commitments but got in this morning

WU - 750 Row, Hip and hamstring mobility, PVC Pipe stuff for the shoulders

6 x 2 Pause Clean at 30kg working up to 40kg
6 x 2 Pause Snatch at 30kg working up to 40kg

2 Rounds in pairs of:
60 KBS
60 Hang Clean
60 Hang Snatch
60 Front Rack Lunges


Heres one of me down the finishing shute of IM Austria :D Favourite Pic!

Todays Session:

WU - 750m Row, general mobility, my lunges really getting more depth now with increased flexibility!


6 Minute AMRAP 4 Minute Rest - move onto the next workout

Row 200m
20 Thrusters 30kg / 20kg dropped to for last part

5 Ring Rows
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squat

50 KBS 16kg
Remaining time box step overs

10 Deadlift 45kg
20 wall balls 6kg
Think I've put myself in a big hole. Got to the gym early as had some time after work and wanted to work on a few bits and got far too carried away.

WU - 750 Row, general mobility
Front squat - wanted to get a baseline to work off built up to 62.5kg a PB. The weight is fine my flexibility is not, just can't get my elbows high enough to get the bar in on my shoulders which means it keeps falling away from me. Will keep going with the mobility.
Snatch - same with this really wanted a baseline, built up to a PB of 55kg. Need to work on getting under the bar.

Then into the class.....
Clean - 5 sets of 3 reps built to 55kg, a pb.
WOD - 2 x 10 minute AMRAPS with 5 minute rest between

10,9,8,7 and so on of Burpees
15 air squat between sets of burpees - i.e. 10 burpees, 15 squats, 9 burpees, 15 squats. Burpees are not my favourite, got to the round of 6.

10,9,8,7 and so on of 7kg slam balls
15 weighted over head lunges in same fashion as before.

Now lying down and can't move......

Hmmmm, but snatch does have any limiter from wrist or triceps flexibility does it? (I am pretty much muscle snatching at this point, slowly working on getting under the bar)

Doing lots of band work, lacrosse ball rolling and wrist stretching. Can only grip the bar with a few fingers in rack position and find it hard to get the bar up on the shelf so to speak as elbows are still quite low. It mostly hurts my wrist at the moment, its improving but not quite there.
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