"Exposed: The Hidden World of Nazi Recruiters"

19 Nov 2009
This looks interesting, due to be aired on BBC Wales on Monday evening at 8:30 but will presumably be available to all on iPlayer afterwards.

An underground group is inciting new recruits to break the law and spread racist hate throughout Britain. BBC Wales Investigates also uncovers the story behind a Hitler-loving white supremacist soldier who planned to set up all-white zones, starting in his own Welsh village.


Anyone else plan on watching it?
Quick reminder about this on later. Quite a lot about the findings and upcoming crackdown on extremist groups on the Welsh News tonight.
The people that need to watch it probably wont because "BBC liberal agendas" as they watch their extremely biased YouTube subscriptions instead.

Can't imagine it's that difficult to set up a white zone in a small village where everybody is already white.
The people that need to watch it probably wont because "BBC liberal agendas" as they watch their extremely biased YouTube subscriptions instead.

Can't imagine it's that difficult to set up a white zone in a small village where everybody is already white.

Yea, you're probably right but if it makes ordinary people aware then it can only be a good thing.

I'm watching it now, they're a right bunch of charmers.
Funny how we got rid of this scum-of-the-earth lot in WWII, remember: "...we will fight on the land, in the air and on the seas...", or do we all have a very short memory??! Anyway, this lot is raising its ugly head again all over the globe....in the U.S.A. (with Bannon), Italy (with $alvini), Hungary (with Orban), Sweden, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, the U.K. (with May), Russia (with Putin), etc. etc. .....and they seem to be here for good, with the passive compliance of "the People" (just like in Hitler's Germany!!).......unless the world wakes up (but it may be too late aLREADY.....) and takes a stand as to where this planet is heading to (and not make the same mistake as Chamberlain did in judging the "rise of the right" in Germany).
Ahhhhhhhhhh history repeating:rolleyes:
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