Extending Sony Speaker Cables

3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco

I just picked up a cheap Sony CMT-SBT20 mini Hi-Fi, just to get a CD player in the house to listen to some old skool CDs while I'm working and cheap is certainly the word.... the speaker cables are about a meter in lenght and are not long enough to place the system and speakers where I would like them. Ahhh the old days when they used to give you 50 million miles of cables... lol

Anyway does anyone know what this connector is called? I don't fancy lopping them off and soldering and heatshrinking an extra cable as I may move it in future and find that the cable is then too long.

either the connector can be pulled apart and the pins crimped onto a new wire, it's maybe some kind of molex type connecter, or you will just have to cut the wire, leave 6 inch or so of a pigtail and then crimp on a new wire yourself. If you want to do it properly get some standard inline connectors that you can crimp on then in the future you can just change the 'new' wire and use these like a kind of adaptor
If it’s old and cheap, just cut and strip the wires and add in whatever extra you need. Easy enough to undo by taking the middle part out. Wrap the twisted joins together in electrical tape for extra ghetto kudos.
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