External Audio Recorder

15 Feb 2009
I didn't realise how bad the gain control of the 600D was until today! It's pretty awful!

I have a cheap SG-108 mic, so I'm wondering what's a cheap external audio recorder that I can use with that so that I can record clean sound at the very least!
Yeah, I know about ML and it's the first thing I went to, but manual audio controls with ML for the 600D isn't working yet :( but after a search I have found that they have a beta firmware out, so hopefully it's not too long before they have a stable version? http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=2032.0

Yeah, Tascam and Olympus is too much more than I'd be looking to spend. The Tascam DR-05 looks good though, as does the Zoom H1. I guess there's nothing much cheaper than that with a mic input?

Just wondering, what would be the order of sound quality between these:
Zoom H1 + built-in mic
Zoom H1 + SG-108
600D + built-in mic + ML firmware
600D + SG-108 + ML firmware
Some cheap £30 voice recorder
Oh.. just looked through the thread. Apparently, it all works (well, testers haven't come across any major problems), so I think I might download that and give that a whirl.

Edit: Oh, I'm not sure I want to test it, just in case it messes up Canon's firmware or something.. I might wait for the stable release, it's not urgent.
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