External Lacie disk - invisible files to OSX

28 Nov 2003
Bad start to Monday morning. The backup harddrive (via ethernet) will not mount/connect properly to OSX. If I connect via http or ftp I can see all the files, but if I use "connect to server" and login fine then Finder cannot see any files. The data was all backed up on Friday : phew :

The disc is a LaCie Ethernet Disk mini.

A mac can see the files if connected via USB, as can a PC, but not via OSX Finder>"connect to server". It has worked fine up until now.

How is this handled differently? Anything I can do to fix it?

I'm guessing it's something to do with SMB support in Finder still being cack after 5 releases and 5 years. Try removing SMB connections and re-adding it in OSX.
It's a network drive so I'm assuming you're accessing it though Samba on OSX, since the Lacie drives normally show as Windows network things.
Hmm, I can enter the afp://xxx.xxx.x.xxx and enter the user/pass and the drive appears as normal on the desktop. If I dbl click it opens up empty but info says there's 6 gig in use. If I leave that window(1) open and dbl click on a shortcut I created last week to a folder on the drive, then that window(2) opens up fine with all files visible and then that folder also appears in the original drive's root window(1). There should be more folders in there.

File viewing is fine over ftp: but only as read only. :/
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