External Storage

28 Dec 2007
I currently use a PC for my university work (as I do an IT degree) but my preferred system is my Mac.

I'm looking for a storage solution that I can use on both my Mac and my PC. Would a Network Hard Drive be suitable?

I know you can use USB memory sticks on both Mac and PC but every time I've used an external hard drive, you either have to format it as a PC or as a Mac drive and one can't be read on the other.

Does anyone know of any solution?

Thanks for any suggestions/advice
Another solution is to use a formate where both can read, Fat32 - will be slow but if you're just using it as storage between them 2 system, Fat32 would be my move, unless you handle files larger than 4GB.

Hope that helps. :)

Thanks for your advice. Just wondering, Isn't there a size limit as far as FAT32 goes? Reason I'm asking is because I'm looking to get something around a 500GB hard drive.

I have tried an NTFS drive on a mac and it wouldn't even read it. Have tried a HFS+ drive on Windows and got the same result.

Thanks again
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