Extra Life 2015 (24 Charity Fundraiser)

24 Feb 2004

Once again I'm taking part in the Extra Life campaign to raise money for sick children. I'll be gaming for 24hrs straight to which some might scoff at as an easy feat but in reality is much harder.

This year initially I shall be playing the Serious Sam games in timeline order (so SS3 first) with my partner in crime Dedwoods42 who kept me company last year on Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 25 hour marathon!

The cause this year is Bostons Children's Hospital which is one of the three hospitals available for players outside of the US to play in support of. Any and all funds raised are used to aid children worldwide who are in need of life saving treatment and need assistance getting to Boston.

The event takes place on the 7th/8th November and I'll be starting around 9am. Streaming will be happening :)

I'd be very grateful if you could take a look at the link below and consider donating to the cause.

Psymonkee's Extra Life 2015 Fundraising Page

Thank you :)
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A little bump since I posted this kinda late last night! :)

Also I have 18 games to giveaway in pursuit of some donations - I have to go out now but details to follow! :)
Right - as mentioned above I have 18 games to give away in my Steam inventory. Some are pretty cool, others less so. Also some I really want for myself which makes giving them away that much harder!

The games available are as follows:

3 x Payday 2
3 x Contagion
1 x Carmageddon 1 and 2
1 x Carmageddon TDR 2000
1 x Borderlands The Pre-Sequel
1 x Prison Architect
3 x Mount Your Friends
1 x Car Mechanic Simulator 2014
1 x South Park: The Stick of Truth
1 x Shadow of Mordor
1 x The Escapists
1 x Tales From The Borderlands

Quite simple way to get your hands on a game:

Make a donation of at least $10 (yes DOLLARS!) and mention that your from OcUK on the donor page. Then post in here telling me what game you'd like. If multiple people want the same game then I'll run the names through a RNG to determine a winner!

I'm on holiday from work w/c 2nd Nov so I'll leave entries to run until midnight on Sunday 1st Nov and then games will be gifted from the Monday - good luck :)
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I get paid tomorrow mate hence I've not put in yet.

How did you egt involved in this? Sounds Like something I could do for sure
That explains a bit then - I get paid 4 weekly so I tend to forget about the end of the month being payday! :p

As for how I got involved in this? I looked at your post whilst having my lunch (in the rain, like a boss :D) and I thought to myself 'that's a good question'. As it so happens that still stands.

I do remember it being talked about by a few friends on Twitter though which appears to have jogged my memory:

Back in 2011 I was taking part in a one-a-day blogging challenge (which turned out to be a lot of fun!) and through that I discovered another blogger who was undertaking the monumental stupidity of playing Dark Souls for 24 hours. I followed his progress via his hourly tweets and followed through on planning a game for the following year!

So fast forward to March 2012 and they opened up sign ups so I rushed off to get a donor page sorted. About 3 months later I got the offer of a donation from an old HLCCL friend if I'd do my charity stream at the LAN that he runs. I checked the dates for holidays from work and booked myself in!

So in October 2012 I drove from Scotland to just north of Birmingham to play video games (as you do :p). To make sure I could play on the projector I had to get an old video card out and get that setup and of course PC's are gonna do what they do best - screw up!

By the time we got everything sorted out it was already my start time of midnight and I'd been up for ~15 hours at this point with a 350 mile drive behind me! Still on with the show and off I went - 24 hours straight of GTA San Andreas. Allowing for toilet/food breaks I clocked a total of 23 hours 11 mins of game time with a 67% completion rate and the entire main story clocked!

Ultimately I was up for 43 hours straight and finally slept on a concrete floor having raised $485!

I had plans for 2013 but they fell through so my next event was last years 25 hours of Borderlands The Pre-Sequel. Yes we played the weekend the clocks went back - total genius! :D

So yeah back this year again for some more pain and suffering and can't wait! :)

For the TL;DR crew: Someone tweeted about it, I followed their progress and jumped at the chance to do it the following year, snowball effect etc....
Donation made.

Just re-read the post about the games. Prison Architect please if it's still going? If not, I'm happy with anything :)
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Good cause, donated and good luck!

If Borderlands pre-sequel is free I'll take it but more important thing is the donation :)

Donation made.

Just re-read the post about the games. Prison Architect please if it's still going? If not, I'm happy with anything :)

Looks like I'm going to need some Steam details from you guys! :)

Anyone else want some? :)

I've also got a few other games tucked away for the livestream as well :)
Just donated! Good luck, such a great cause!

If that south park game is still going il take it.

A full 24hrs that's gonna get intense towards the end.
Thank you very much for your support! :)

(That also takes me to the $200 mark as well :D)

I'll get South Park sorted in the morning for you. I need sleep! :p
Big thanks Judge Mental for his donation as well! :)

~12 hours from starting and of course I'm just doing what I do best - chain watching Netflix to train my stamina! :D
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