Extracting data from exchange

23 Jun 2007
South East
Hi guys,

Im looking for some software or a means to extract mail box information from exchange.

I need basically the data that is shown in the 'Mailbox Cleanup' window.

We have a lot of users with over 50,000 messages in their inbox - we've implemented new policys but we still have users ignoring these.

Any ideas?

Cheers! :)
Its 2003.

We are able to set limits etc on mailboxes thats not the problem. We can view total size and items but we just desperately need a break down of their different folders.

At the moment i'm having to open the users mailbox then go to mailbox cleanup and manually type up the info into a spreadsheet which obviously is a huge waste of time.

Thanks for any input
You can right click any view in System Manager and export to CSV, but it sounds like you want to go one step further.
Exchange 07 gives you a bit more granular information through powershell, but I dont know if you'd even be able to go as far as this.
As Gazzza mentioned, a reporting tool may be the only way. If it were me I'd just use the normal notifications and explain to the users how to view folder sizes in Outlook. You could even customise the size warning messages to include that explanation
Aha I had forgotten about that - its been a while since I did my Exchange training!

Sorry to thread hijack but do you know if the same sort of thing is possible with 2007?
try ontrack power controls 4, you can extract from the exchange database file directly to a pst with this. It will also give you a breakdown of folders etc.
Managed to cobble this together in Powershell - Its exchange 07 only though!

$l = @()
foreach($mbx in Get-Mailbox){
$l += Get-MailboxFolderStatistics $mbx.identity | select @{n="DisplayName";e={$mbx.displayName}},FolderPath,ItemsInFolder,FolderSize}

$l | export-csv C:\mailboxes.csv
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