Eye candy

31 Oct 2002
Just ordered the Dell 2007WFP (20" w/s) from OcUK - can anyone suggest some nice eye candy games (which are still good obviously) to test it out with?

The game I play 90% of the time (WWII Online) won't test it as it's quite old, but I also have HL2 and FS2004 which I am looking forward to trying on it.
Got Oblivion and COD2 on the 360, so don't think I could beat my 42" HD Pioneer! :D

Never really been into the sci-fi FPS like FEAR and Quake - but always liked space sims so might give X3 a look. Is it a lot better than Freelancer, as played that a while ago.
miracleboy said:
Just ordered the Dell 2007WFP (20" w/s) from OcUK - can anyone suggest some nice eye candy games (which are still good obviously) to test it out with?

The game I play 90% of the time (WWII Online) won't test it as it's quite old, but I also have HL2 and FS2004 which I am looking forward to trying on it.

I have the same monitor Oblivion, COD2 , HL2, TOCA 3, Hitman Bloody Money all look sublime

Enjoy ;)
miracleboy said:
Is it a lot better than Freelancer, as played that a while ago.

Yes, a lot better IMO especially in the graphics department.

Need for Speed Most Wanted
Tomb Raider Legends
Black and White 2
Battlefield 2
Maybe Flat Out 2, but i'm not sure yet as i havn't got round to purchasing it.

I take it you have a pretty decent graphics card/setup as all the games i mentioned look fantastic turned up full.
If you like WW2.. get Company of Heroes beta or single player demo soon to come..

Its really good and not bad looking either!
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