Eye excercises

25 Jul 2005
Ok this may sound like an odd question but does anyone know any excercises that help improve your eyesight? If at all any exist. As some of you may have read in another post I am hoping to join the RAF next year and so want to have the best eyesight possible. The same way as i will be training to get my body fit. So any ideas or ones that have worked for you?

print a short paragraph out, stick it to a wall and sit far away enough so that you can't see it.

try to read it, and dont stop sitting there until you can.
The only one i know is to strenghten the muscles in the eyes but thats because ive got double vision don't know if thats what you want.
get your lady friend to get with her best friend, get nekkid and start getting down with each other 100m or so away (i'm assuming you have access to a warehouse here), if that wont improve your eye sight, i dont know what will.

Do you have any reason to suspect that your eyesight isnt good enough for the RAF?
I read in an improving eye sight book that if you sit in the dark and cup your eyes with your hands for around 30 mins a day your eye sight would improve. It increases blood circulation in the eyes or something. Also it talked about your diet and stuff (forgotten what you should eat).

Ask an optician or something. Also get your eyes tested, it may turn out you have perfect vision as it is, or not, and it will save you time. If you go through the selection process only to find your eyes aren't good enough on the medical, you'd have wasted months.

Out of interest, are you looking into any other branches other than Pilot? The compeition for Pilots is very very tough, and if you want to join the RAF more than becoming a Pilot (if you know what I mean) it is worth looking into the other roles that need to be filled.
I thought the muscles in your eyes that control focusing were the only muscles that grew weaker the more u used them? I could be mistaken.
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there are lots of exercises for the eyes but the question is are they relevant to you? The most common exercise I give are for convergence/divergence insufficiency. In relation to improving vision via exercises, there was some American research into it a few years ago and there is some institution there which does actually teach/run you through such exercises of course charging an extortionate rate. I did actually have one patient who was under this institute about 6months ago and in the 2 years he was with them I couldn't see any improvement in his vision.
My advice: Get your eyes tested, find out if your vision is good enough (also if colour vision and binocular vision is ok) and save yourself the trouble of any eye exercises because none really work for improving visual acuity.

"your friendly neighbourhood Optom"
I remember doing some exercises back in the days when my vision was starting to go and it did improve while I was doing the program the optician gave me but it when I stopped it went back to what it was and well started to get worse to what it is now.
Like the post above, hold ure index finger of both hands up, one next to your nose and one as far out as you can reach then concentrate on the one closest to your face and then the one further away. Also put your index finger up again and then put it in front of ure face as far away as you can reach then bring it closer to your face untill it goes blurry, keep doing that. It was what my sister was told to do to help improve her sight.
Aspecto said:
Like the post above, hold ure index finger of both hands up, one next to your nose and one as far out as you can reach then concentrate on the one closest to your face and then the one further away. Also put your index finger up again and then put it in front of ure face as far away as you can reach then bring it closer to your face untill it goes blurry, keep doing that. It was what my sister was told to do to help improve her sight.

I read this quickly and it sounded like telling yourself to **** off.
Unfortunately, (and realistically) you cannot improve your eyesight....the eye is made up of soft tissue which over time relaxes and causes deterioration. The eye sees upside down and your brain flips the image. Where the eye focuses is a set distance (perfect, long or short).

HOWEVER, I have heard of people who have had to have glasses from an early age. In later adult hood, their eyes rejected the glasses and they could see (almost perfectly) without them!
Oracle said:
HOWEVER, I have heard of people who have had to have glasses from an early age. In later adult hood, their eyes rejected the glasses and they could see (almost perfectly) without them!
Being born short/long sighted, and then tending towards the opposite end with old age I think that is.
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