F.E.A.R - Erm, Just finished it... Riiight!!??

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Cany anyone here explain WTF FEAR was all about?

I have been sort of messign about with it on and off for a couple of weeks now, half heartedly playing it ant not really enjoying it other than boredom.

Anyway, I just finished it a few minutes ago, and I cant help but feel, that although the visuals were a little alternative, I simply dont have a bloody clue as to what the whole thing was all about???

I think I have gathered that I am the brother of the bad guy, and that I had to "Kill them all" but thats pretty much it???

I got to hand it to them, but this has to be the most pointless game I have ever played???

Anyone else have the same thoughts?
lol yeah i know what you mean, it draws heavily on film references which if you havent seen you dont know so you dont care/appreciate about it.

THe game was one of them "look my pc can run it at 25fps your sucky one only does 24!" type of games.

Nothing knew to it, crap story line, pointless storyline infact lol

scarey little girl and and oversuse of the same "spooky" cliches.

and short,,,,, way to short, and! predictable.

Oh and the multiplayer? crap on a stick.
Ok spoiler time -
The girl, Alma, is your mother.
Paxton is your brother.
You are in fact project 1 - the super trooper with psychic senses (hence all the flash-backs to Alma) and incredible reflexes.
Paxton was project 2 - the psychic commander.
Alma is REALLY ****** off at having been experimented on and forced to have children at ~16 (which is why she ages during the game from the young girl they first capture to the young mother), she is trying to recover her sons and has made a link with Paxton. This is why he carries out his retribution, but allways steers you along behind him. I think you were to be reunited on some secondary psychic plane.

I quite enjoyed it, and it's great to go back and play as long as you can with just the pistols... I still prefer HL2.
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Efour2 said:
Nothing knew to it, crap story line, pointless storyline infact lol

Err? The story was very good, it just happened to actually require some thinking about rather than "zomg, blow **** up and stuff, you saved the world"
is it only me that found this game had HALO fever - what i mean by that is that if you played the first level, you basically played the whole game. So repeative - BAD monolith! i cant stand this rip off: Hype up the game by making the first level attractive, place screenies and movies of it in the advertising and then make the rest of the game using the same textures and sequences.
You will be glad to know there's an expansion pack on it's way then :p Extraction Point will be along soon

The story was really good, I take it you didn't bother to listen to the answerphone messages along the way.
I just finished FEAR and really enjoyed it - despite being on a bit of a downer with at first. The fire-fights are awesome and the ending was superb, IMO. The story was on a par with most other fps games - not that great, in other words. It also ran very nicely on my system with everything maxed (except textures) with a bit of AA/AF. Pretty solid game - might just scrape into my top 10 fps :)
LukeManUK said:
No, you're mistaking F.E.A.R with Doom III

Doom 3 ran well on multiple configs of pc's, even low end pc's as shown by hardocp's article before the release HERE .

Fear on the other hand ran like crap on even high end pc's with anti aliasing enabled, graphically it was nothing special, as soon as you enabled soft shadows..performance dive especially with fsaa enabled.
I enjoyed it and understood the story fine, i also thought the story was good. what i didnt like was the telephone messages as they were so boring to listen to i just left them and once you move a few meters away you cant hear them meaning you have to stand there like a spanner.

Funnily enough, I thought the story was ok, its just the way it went on for me...

The answerphone messages etc did help it along, and it tried to bring you back into it now and then, but all in all, the game was same-y all the way through.

The visuals I thought were nice, a bit iffy in places but then thats supposed to be like that isnt it? I cant say to be sure cos I have never been drawn into "Other places" to judge it on.

The End sequence with the explosion was absolutely lovely, and right at the end, it left it open to FEAR 2 I suppose.

As for the frame rates etc, I never had any kind of slowdowns at all, it played perfectly all the way through. I run at 1024x768 with all on high, and it was smoother than Doom3. It also played just fine on my slowest system too, but that did have an occasional burp, however, when it was saving the progress, it did pause for a couple of seconds, which was a bugger.

The only other issue I had with it, was that at the start, it always said there was an update... I got the update which is 400MB or so, and it would not work saying it was the wrong region, so HTF I could stop that I dont know myself.

Oh, while I am here, I tried to play DeuxEx2 and there was a lot of bits on this that kept pulling me back to that... That was another game I wasnt to hot on too!

If there is a v2, will I get it? Probably! will I pay top dollar for it? Nope! - I will wait till its out on bargain bucket.

HL2 had a similar feel in that you had no choice but to go through here to get to there... I suppose all of this type of game do that to a point, with maybe the exception of FarCry.

All in all a nice game, destroyed by too many effects for me.
I really enjoyed the story line, especially near the end but I am a fan of the Ring films. The ending was jawdropping and I think the relatively poor performance paid off at the end; those ghost thingies coming out of nowhere with the screen rippling like crazy was just frigging awesome. :eek:

Anyway, wikipedia gives a detailed explanation of the storyline. If you enjoyed fear, you might want to try out Condemned: Criminal Origins, which I think uses the fear engine and even more creepy.
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I probably played 1/2 of it and due to complete bordem i just stopped, the storyline to me was crap, graphics were awesome, but that isn't what makes a game for me.
I was like *yAwN* all the way through.
If the first half of the game is boring and pointless, im not going to spend another few hours playing out of bordem
Just hope the expansion has more outdoor levels, though i did enjoy it needless to say. Good ending as i wasnt expecting that! It really is a system killer though.
Gerard said:
Fear on the other hand ran like crap on even high end pc's with anti aliasing enabled, graphically it was nothing special, as soon as you enabled soft shadows..performance dive especially with fsaa enabled.

Ran like crap on high end? Performance dive? I dont even have 2 gig of RAM, i run it on super high settings without any slowdown, generally around 40fps i think.
Nah, it runs just fine on any half decent setup.

If it runs badly, then thats his PC not being up to it more than the game.
I know this doesnt have anything to do with FEAR, but since we're talking abou performance... I know a guy who apparently has the best spec out there, with a 3200+, 512MB ram and an x850xt, and he runs games like FEAR (Oh it does relate :) ) and Counterstrike Source with 190fps on max settings apparently :)

Anyone else smell a bit of poo in his statements? :p
FatRakoon said:
Nah, it runs just fine on any half decent setup.

If it runs badly, then thats his PC not being up to it more than the game.

2.8ghz opteron and crossfired x1900's not upto it...doubt it.

Ive seen tons of complaints about the games coding in general, the vast majority of sites that use this game in benchmarks for hardware leave soft shadows disabled just because of the over the top performance hit it gives.

hardocp in their x1900 crossfire evaluation concluded that the best playable settings for fear on a setup similar to mine were 2x adaptive fsaa 16xhqaf, at a res of 1600x1200.


Note that soft shadows are disabled because they mess up aa and presumably the performance hit for something you'll barely notice is not worth it.
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