F.E.A.R: Only been playing a couple of hours and I'm already ****ing my pants

16 Nov 2003
On the pale blue dot
Firstly, there's the fact you have a shadow, which has led me to spray bullets at the wall. Then there's the creepy music and random guy wandering around and then exploding into dust, and then there's the little girl :s

I jumped on a ladder and as I did the little girl appeared at the top :eek:
I jumped off and at the bottom was the random guy. I unloaded an entire clip on this ghost screaming out loud... and then quit the game.

I don't have the courage to start it up again. :eek:
Well once you've played it once then yeah, like all scripted games it's not going to be scary as you know whats about to happen. But still. Seriously, you must have jumped at least once.

Edit: at atpbx
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